All abstracts and papers must be written in English language.

All papers that will successfully pass double-blind review process will be published in a printed conference proceedings. The proceedings will be sent with request to be indexed in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index accessible at the Web of Science™.

Proceedings of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd international scientific conferences International Conference on European Integration 2012, 2014 and 2016 (ICEI2012, ICEI2014 and ICEI2016) have been indexed in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index accessed via Web of Science™.

Necessary conditions for accepted papers in the conference proceedings: abstract and paper must be sent in deadlines together with honour and originality declaration; abstracts and paper must follow the templates and guidelines format and fulfil conditions of review process; conference fee must be pay in time.

The templates for abstracts and papers are available on the conference website (section Abstract Submission guidelines/Paper Submission guidelines).

There are 20 minutes for paper presentation, including questions and remarks. For paper presentation, standard audio visual devices will be available.

The conference languages are Czech, Slovak, Polish and English.

Requirements for active participation at the conference: presentation of paper in chosen conference language based on registration (Czech, Slovak, English, Polish), a powerpoint presentation in English language (*.ppt, *.pptx, *.pdf, *.tex).

For more information, including registration, visit the conference website:

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