- paper: min 10 pages A4, max 15 pages (by template),
- languages: Czech, Slovak, Polish, English
- template of paper can be downloaded here (format DOCX, 39kB)
- paper should be sent as the file to the address: konferencepravo@vsb.cz (to the subject write your name and surname, only in format MS Word).
- deadline for paper submission 31st August, 2017.
Successfully reviewed accepted contributions will be published in the pressed reviewed Proceedings (with ISBN). English written papers will be included into the Proceedings, which will be sent to the Conference Proceedings Citation Index database accessible on Web of Science. Papers in Czech, Polish and Slovak languages will be published in reviewed Proceedings with ISBN.
The necessary conditions for the paper to be published are: meeting the deadlines, following the formal requests (templates), payment of conference fee, acceptance of abstract and paper. The organizers reserve the right to reject the paper in case it would not meet the conditions, format or the conference fee is not paid.
Official languages: Czech, Slovak, Polish, English
There is 20 minutes limit for paper presentation including a discussion. Audiovisual technology will be provided with.
Instructions for authors:
The authors are obligated to meet the formal requests when writing the abstract and paper as well as to mention all used sources in accordance with citation ethics rules.
The author confirms that the paper is elaborated by himself/herself, is original and that the paper sent to IPE Proceedings 2017 was not and will not be published in other publications (Proceedings, magazines). If the author finds out any significant mistake or inaccuracy in his/her paper, he/she is obligated to inform the conference organizer or Proceedings editor.
Instructions for reviewers:
The system peer-reviewed is the process guarantying the quality of professional texts. The aim of the conference organizers is to guarantee the objective system of reviewing and quality publishing standard. Reviewing process is anonymous. Reviews are being written to the standardized form. Review is provided objectively, involves clear opinions and arguments related to the reviewed paper; an inclusion of private criticism of the author is not allowed. Recommendation for publishing or not publishing the paper is the part of the review. In case the reviewer would feel the conflict of interests with reviewed paper, he/she informs the conference organizers.