Instructions for writing abstract and paper

  • Paper should not exceed 8 pages total
  • Paper language: Czech, Slovak, English
  • Paper format: template can be downloaded here: format DOC, 55kB
  • Deadline for abstract and paper sending: June 20, 2015
  • Authors are requested to send abstract and papers by email to:

All the accepted papers will be published in an electronic version of the proceedings of their abstracts (CD) and will be provided with an ISBN number.

All the accepted papers submitted only in the English language will be reviewed. The papers accepted by reviewers will be published in separate proceedings with ISBN and ISSN number and will be submitted to Thomson Reuters of Web of Science for evaluation. The proceedings will be sent to the participants after the conference.

The Scientific Committee will recommend some papers for publishing in their extended version to the journal Ekonomická revue – Central European Review of Economic Issues (ER-CEREI). ER-CEREI is listed in reviewed journals of Research, Development and Innovation Council and indexed in EconLit and EBSCO databases. Currently, all the papers published in the journal have been assigned with a unique identifier (DOI names).

A submitted paper should not exceed 8 pages in its overall length, including results, figures, tables and references. The paper should be structured as follows: the title, abstract (max. 150-200 words), keywords (3-5 keywords), JEL classification, introduction, data and methods, research results, conclusion and references.

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