Seznam přihlášených

IDJménoPříjmeníOrganizaceNázev příspěvku (anglicky)
1EvaArdielliVSB - Technical University of Ostrava
2AgnieszkaKrawczyk-SoltysOpole UniversityGeriatric care resources in Poland and the Czech Republic -comparative analysis
3StanisławaSokołowskaOpole UniversityAgri-food clusters as a development opportunity for border rural areas
4UrszulaŁangowska-SzczęśniakOpole UniversityDemografic and economic determinants of changes in consumption in the region of Silesia in Poland in 2004-2013
5KrystynaHanusikOpole UniversityDemografic and economic determinants of changes in consumption in the region of Silesia in Poland in 2004-2013
6MateuszMusiałOpole UniversityThe importance of the cohesion policy for the equalization standard of living standards in member states on the example of Poland and the Czech Republic.
7RomanMecaVŠB - TU OstravaEnhancing energy efficiency through a combination of physical and virtual models of reheating furnaces
8IvetaVrabkováVŠB-TU OstravaFinancování základních škol s polským vyučovácím jazykem
9EwaSobolewska-PoniedziałekUnivercity of Zielona GoraImplementation of the concept of silver economy in the context of demographic challenges in Poland and the Czech Republic
10AnnaNiewiadomskaUniwersytet ZielonogórskiThe aging of the labor force challenge for labor market policy on the example of Poland and Czech Republic
11AgataZagórowskaOpole UniwersityDifferentiation of demographic processes in the regions of the Polish - Czech borderland and their socio - economic implications
12Maria BuckaOpole UniversityOpportunities for development of clusters in the regions of borderland Polish and Czech
13WojciechGoleńskiOpole UniversityEffectiveness and efficiency of social economy organizations
21TłuczakAgnieszkaOpole UniversityThe differences in the structure of agricultural production of the Polish-Czech borderland
22PetrTománekVŠB-TU Ostrava
24WandaMasialikPolitechnika OpolskaThe development of Polish-Czech border cooperation on the example of Prudnik Exhibition of Folk Artists and Crafts Borderland Polish - Czech.
25RomanŚmietańskiPolitechnika OpolskaThe development of Polish-Czech border cooperation on the example of Prudnik Exhibition of Folk Artists and Crafts Borderland Polish - Czech.
26Anna VáclavíkováSlezská univerzita OpavaPrávo na informace o životním prostředí - The right to information on the environment
27AnnaBisagaOpole UniversityAgri-food clusters as a development opportunity for border rural areas
28WojciechSońtaUniwersytet Technologiczno-HunanistycznySnizeni znecistovani ovzdusi v Polsku aj v Cesku
30Dominika Malchar-MichalskaOpole UniversityInternationalization of agricultural producers’ groups operating in Opole voivodeship
35JiříKovářVŠB-TU OstravaGeografické a urbanistické faktory spolupráce Česka a Polska v oblasti Horního Slezska
37AnnaMijalUniversity of OpoleConditions for development co-operation of educational institutions on the example of the Interreg V-A Czech Republic - Poland (by 2020)
39EwaWójcickaJan Dlugosz University in CzestochowaAn economic analysis of the alternative dispute resolution
40MichałMakuchJan Długosz University in CzęstochowaFinancing national parks in Poland
41IvanŠotkovskýVŠB-Technická univerzita OstravaSrovnání populačního vývoje Moravskoslezska s vojvodstvími Slezským a Opolským
42KarelPlunderVŠB-TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTRAVARelationship and knowledge apprehension and evaluation between The Czech Republic and Poland
43JiříBečicaVŠB-TU OstravaŠkolství v ČR a polská národnostní menšina
44LauraPłatkowska-ProkopczykOpole UniversityHuman capital in the aspect of sustainable development of the border regions
45PavlínaPustějovskáVŠB - TUO
46StanislavMišákVŠB-TU OstravaZvýšení energetické účinnosti provozu budov
47StanislavMišákVŠB-TU OstravaEfficiency Optimization in an Administration Buildings
48JanNajserVŠB_TU Ostrava
49Jaroslav FrantíkVŠB-TUOEnergy utilization of alternative fuels and waste
50SimonaJursováVŠB - TUO
51SimonaJursováVŠB - TUO
52Test 2016Test 2016Test 2016

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