Direction: from the Railway Station "Ostrava–hlavni nadrazi" (Ostrava–Main Station) to the Mamaison Hotel Imperial

  • take tram 2 or 8 at the tram station "Hlavni nadrazi" to the tram station "Elektra" and then walk to the Mamaison Hotel Imperial (see map).

Direction: from the Railway Station "Ostrava–Svinov" to the Mamaison Hotel Imperial

  • take tram 4 at the tram stop "Svinov mosty" to the tram station "Karolína" and then walk to the  Mamaison Hotel Imperial (see map)
  • take tram 8 at the tram stop "Svinov mosty" to the tram station "Elektra" and then walk to the Mamaison Hotel Imperial (see map)

Direction: from the Bus Station "UAN" to the Mamaison Hotel Imperial

  • take tram 1, 2 at the tram station "Namesti republiky" to the tram station "Elektra" (direction Hlavni nadrazi) and then walk to the Mamaison Hotel Imperial (see map)

Public transport in Ostrava (connections).

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