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3 000 CZK/115 EUR (including VAT)                                 

Conference fee is non-refundable. Substitute participation possible.

The conference fee includes publication in the proceedings, conference materials and refreshments during the conference. Conference fee does not include accommodation; conference participants must make the hotel reservation and the payment by themselves.

Book of proceedings will be distributed after the conference only to those participants that applied for it in the registration form and paid conference fee. Book of proceedings will be distributed after the conference only those participants that applied for it in the registration form and paid conference fee.

Bank address

Beneficiary´s name and address: Karel Englis Endowment Fund, Sokolská tř. 33, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic

Name and address of bank: Komerční banka, a.s., Na Příkopě 33, 114 07 Praha, pobočka Ostrava

Account number: 83239761/0100

IBAN format of KB account: CZ6401000000000083239761


Variable symbol: 153

Payment identification: name of the conference participant