- Paper extent is 6 to 8 pages.
- Paper language: English
- Paper format: template can be downloaded here: format DOC, 56kB
- Deadline for paper submission: July 3, 2022
- Authors are requested to send papers by email to:
- Together with the paper, an Honorable Statement of Origin will be sent: DOC format, 24kB
Papers will be accepted in English only and will include the abstract also. About the inclusion of papers to the conference program decides Scientific Committee of the conference. Papers will be published as conference proceedings with ISBN. The proceedings will be sent with request to be indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index accessible at the Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science. Proceedings of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd international scientific conference „Development and Administration of Border Areas of the Czech Republic and Poland - Support for Sustainable Development“ (RASPO 2016, 2018 and 2020) have been already indexed in the Web of Science. The proceedings of RASPO 2021 are under the evaluation.
Publication of the conference proceedings will be realized after the review process is finished. Submitted papers will be assessed by two reviewers during the review process. The acceptance or rejection of paper to the conference proceedings will be decided by the Scientific Committee of the conference on the basis of peer review report.
Selected papers will be recommended by the Scientific Committee for publication in a scientific journal Ekonomická revue - Central European Review of Economic Issues or journal ECON, which are the traditional journals issued by the Faculty of Efonomics, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava.
The submitted paper should not exceed 8 pages in its overall length, including results, figures, tables and references. The paper should be structured as follows: the title, abstract, keywords (3-5 keywords), JEL classification, introduction, literature research, data and methods, research results, conclusion and references.