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The Department of International Economic Relations successfully follows up on the functioning of the Department of European Integration, which was established on 1 April 2004 on the eve of the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union.

The mission of the department is to educate economists, managers and specialists focused on European integration and international economic relations, who will find full application in companies, public institutions and authorities at the regional, national and especially international level. In addition to a broader economic basis, teaching is focused on the issues of globalization, international trade and especially economic integration in regional, European and global contexts.

Special attention is paid to the focus and profiling of studies on the practical application of graduates in the challenging competitive environment of the global economy, through study internships at foreign universities or gaining work experience of students on domestic and international internships (e.g. in EU institutions).

The focus of the study is further supplemented by optional subjects from the field of the economics, public economics and administration, business or environmental studies. Emphasis is also placed on the development of language skills in the form of teaching selected subjects in English.

The department establishes and expands relations with experts from practice and foreign universities with a similar focus; emphasizes them both in pedagogical activities and scientific research activities.


Department Team