About study programme
Doctoral programme in Economics welcomes all qualified applicants with Master´s degrees who have a strong interest in economic theory, econometric modelling, and applied economics. Graduates will be equipped with advanced knowledge of the history of economics, micro- and macroeconomics, international economics, and economic policy, and also important research skills for becoming a succesful researcher.
Graduate's employment
Struktura studia v programu Ekonomie umožňuje, aby se jeho absolventi uplatnili v oblasti pedagogizace ekonomických disciplín, v ekonomickém výzkumu, v mezinárodních ekonomických organizacích, ve státní správě, v analytických činnostech na makro- i mikroúrovni, a v ekonomicky zaměřených masmédiích. Vzhledem k širokému teoretickému základu kvalifikace absolventů lze předpokládat jejich značnou adaptabilitu ve vztahu k jednotlivým činnostem v rámci ekonomie a ekonomiky.
Study aims
The aim of the study is to provide students with knowledge of advanced microeconomic and macroeconomic theories for their deep insight into the nature of economic phenomena and processes. At the same time, the aim is to equip students with a wide range of methods and techniques to explore the economic reality, which will enable them to understand complex economic relations at national and international level. An important goal is also to equip students with knowledge of the genesis and development of economic science to be able to critically perceive and evaluate economic theory and its policy implications in historical context and transformations.
Graduate's knowledge
Graduates of this programme are equipped to understand the economic life of society in its entirety and in context. Based on this understanding, they are able to model and analyze the behaviour of economic agents, i.e. individuals, households, firms and government in the context of a given national or globalized economy. Upon completion of the programme, graduates demonstrate profound and systematic knowledge and understanding of the subject of Economics, as well as specific theories, concepts and methods that are at the forefront of international knowledge of this field.
Graduate's skills
Graduates are able to design and use advanced research procedures in the field of Economics, in a way that extends the knowledge of the field by original research. Furthermore, they can develop and evaluate economic theories, concepts and methods using various approaches, including model building and econometric evaluation.
Graduate's general competence
Graduates are able to evaluate new knowledge and ideas with regard to their long-term social consequences. They are also able to creatively plan extensive research activities and to acquire resources for their realization. In addition, they are able to independently solve complex ethical problems in creative activities and to communicate their own research results a clear and convincing way to other members of the scientific community and to the general public.