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Vážené studentky, vážení studenti,  

připravili jsme pro vás exkluzivní workshop na téma "Evropa budoucnosti a kariéra v EU … a nejen tam!" 

  • Kdy to bude? Čtvrtek 30. 5. 2024 (Orientační čas: 13.00 – 14:45) 
  • Kde to bude? Mercure Ostrava Center Hotel, Českobratrská 18/1742, 702 00 Ostrava 1 (Místnost bude upřesněna) 
  • Pro koho to bude? Studenti veřejných vysokých škol Moravskoslezského kraje (účast zdarma) 
  • O čem to bude? Těšit se můžete na zajímavá témata připravená odborníky z renomovaných a relevantních institucí (Úřad vlády ČR, Diplomatická akademie MZV ČR, Zastoupení Evropské komise v ČR, Eurocentrum Ostrava, Euforka). Inspirujte se a získejte cenné informace pro svou budoucí kariéru! Rozviňte a rozvíjejte svůj profesní potenciál v evropském a mezinárodním kontextu! 

Podrobné informace k workshopu naleznete ZDE: 

Registrace pro účast na workshopu k dispozici zde – termín do 17. 5. 2024: 

V případě dotazů nás kontaktujte e-mailem na adrese . 

ICEI 2024 je tou pravou příležitostí, jak si užít EU v Ostravě! 

Těšíme se na vás! 

ICEI 2024_Workshop_Kariéra-VŠ studenti



Dear colleagues, dear ICEI friends,

We have prepared three educational and research workshops:

    1. Artificial Intelligence for Academics Workshop – how can AI tools revolutionise your academic workflow – from idea generation to final publication? This will be the subject of a workshop.
    2. Academic Writing Workshopconference outputs are papers and proceedings, but how can we achieve this optimally in the conditions and offers of today? This will be the subject of a workshop.
    3. Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics Workshop – explore how WoS/CA is addressing the rising challenges to research integrity, including questionable publishing practices and threats, focusing on editorial journal selection, quality control, indexing system etc.

For detailed information, please see the enclosed workshops leaflets.

For Artificial Intelligence for Academics workshop registration, please sign up here:

For  Academic Writing workshop registration, please sign up here:

For Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics workshop registration, please sign up here:

If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at

ICEI 2024 is the right occasion to enjoy the EU time in Ostrava

ICEI 2024_Workshop_Artificial intelligence(1)ICEI 2024_Workshop_Academing writing(2)ICEI 2024_Workshop_WoS-CA(1)



Dear colleagues, dear ICEI friends,

We have listened to your requests and have decided to satisfy you. So here's our offer ...all ICEI 2024 DEADLINES are extended! And that's not all, so what's new?

We have set extension of all deadlines – thank you to those who used first minute and standard term to register and send the paper! For others, feel free to take advantage of last moment.

We have introduced special fees for PhD students – supporting their active participation and providing a platform for presenting primary or partial research results!

Last but not least on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic in the European Union, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic took over the patronage of our conference. The motto of the celebration is "Shaping Europe for 20 years".

For detailed information, please see the enclosed conference poster, as well as workshops leaflets.

For conference registration, please sign up here:

If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at .

ICEI 2024 is the right occasion to enjoy the EU time in Ostrava!



Dear colleagues / ICEI friends,

Today is 15th February 2024. Yes, Valentine's Day was yesterday, but we have three extra gifts for you.

We have set new standard deadlines – many of you took advantage of the first moment to register and send the paper; thank you!

We have introduced special fees for PhD students – supporting their active participation and providing a platform for presenting primary or partial research results!

We have prepared Academic Writing Workshopconference outputs are papers and proceedings, but how can we achieve this optimally in the conditions and offers of today? This will be the subject of a workshop and that's not all; we are working on other news!

For detailed information, please see the enclosed poster.

For conference registration, please sign up here:

For workshop registration, please sign up here:

If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at .

ICEI 2024 is the right occasion to enjoy the EU time in Ostrava!


Dear colleagues / ICEI friends,

Today is 11th January 2024 (11. 1. 2024); there are three ones on the date. In general, everything goes to the third of good. We wish you a happy new year and that everything works out to be one.

On this occasion, tune into ICEI 2024 vibes, catch the wind and sail with us = registration is open.

For those interested, please sign up here:

ICEI is a traditional brand … but we prepare many news and events for the conference days. We will be in touch very soon. Let yourself be surprised!

If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at .

ICEI 2024 is the right occasion to enjoy the EU time in Ostrava!


Dear colleagues,

Today is 13 December 2023 – St. Lucia's Day, the shortest day and the longest night. According to ancient traditions, St. Lucia's Day is one of the most magical customs and ranks among the "witches' days" preceding Christmas. Divination of the future and various wishes were popular. According to the best-known tradition, preparing 13 pieces of paper with wishes was customary – 12 filled in and 1 blank. We have rewritten this custom and will bring you 13 pieces of information related to ICEI 2024.

ICEI is a traditional brand whose mission is to meet people, to know people, to build and develop existing relationships, to gain new contacts, to inspire each other, to motivate each other, to solve similar problems, to look for a way to move things forward ... to learn from each other. ICEI 2024 is ready to fulfil its mission.

For detailed information, please see the poster, which includes only the 'must know' information. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us via e-mail at

 We will be in touch very soon.



Dear colleagues,

Today is 29 November 2023; it's exactly half a year until ICEI 2024 conference. It is neither too much nor too little. It's the right time.

On this occasion, we would like to inform you that from 29 to 31 May 2024, the Department of International Economic Relations, Faculty of Economics, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, will organise the 7th international scientific conference about European integration International Conference on European Integration 2024 (ICEI 2024).

Everything has its time. To everything, there is a season. And ICEI 2024 time came today. Join us and be part of discussions about the past, present and future of European integration.

ICEI 2024 – the right occasion to enjoy the EU time just in Ostrava!

For more information, please see the flyer including only the 'must know' information. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us via e-mail at
