Dear colleagues,
Today is 11th November (11. 11. 2021 = St. Martin’s Day); this is a unique date when Martin is coming on a white horse, it is the time when the first snow comes. November 11th also coincides with what is called the “Natural” start of winter or something like the European Thanksgiving = there may be no better date than to pay tribute to Europe.
On this occasion, we would like to inform you that during 18 and 20 May 2022, the Department of International Economic Relations, Faculty of Economics, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, organises a 6th international scientific conference about European integration International Conference on European Integration 2022 (ICEI 2022).
We invite you to attend ICEI 2022, which aims to open space for scientific discussion on the current European integration issues, i.e., ...Making Europe stronger bounce Europe forward from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger than before, accelerate the twin green and digital transitions and build a fairer, more resilient and more cohesive society.
For more information, please see the enclosed poster…the 6th chapter of our story.
Proceedings of ICEI2012, ICEI2014, ICEI2016 and ICEI2018 have been indexed in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) accessed via Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science.
Proceedings of ICEI 2020 met Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science requirements and was accepted for evaluation by the Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science. Proceedings is now under evaluation process, and we are waiting for its results.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us via e-mail: .
We will continuously update and post detailed information, so keep in touch.
ICEI 2022 – the right occasion to enjoy the EU time just in Ostrava!