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All abstracts and papers must be written in the English language (British English).

All papers that will successfully pass the rigorous double-blind peer-review process will be published in printed conference proceedings. The proceedings will be sent with the request to be indexed in the Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters) Conference Proceedings Citation Index accessible at the Web of Science™ and Scopus database.

Proceedings of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th international scientific conferences  International Conference on European Integration 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 (ICEI2012, ICEI2014, ICEI2016 and ICEI2018) have been indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) accessed via Web of Science™.

Necessary conditions for accepted papers in the conference proceedings and the condition of participation in the conference:

  • to fill the online application form (in Registration section) – at least one author must be registered online, preferably the person who will personally attend the conference,
  • abstract and paper must be sent in deadlines together with honour and originality declaration and the protection of personal data,
  • abstracts and paper must follow the templates and guidelines format and fulfil conditions of the review process,
  • conference fee must be paid in time.

The templates for abstracts, papers and honour and originality declaration and the protection of personal data are available on the conference website (sections Abstracts/Papers). 

The conference languages are Czech, Slovak, Polish and English.

Requirements for active participation at the conferences: presentation of the paper in chosen conference language based on registration (Czech, Slovak, English, Polish), powerpoint presentation in the English language (*.ppt, *.pptx, *.pdf, *.tex). There are 20 minutes for the paper presentation, including questions and remarks (15 + 5 minutes). For the paper presentation, standard audio-visual devices are available.

For more information, including registration, visit the conference website:

Important notice: In case of failure of the above instructions for authors, conference editors will reject the paper due to formal reasons, and it will not be evaluated further. Editors reserve the right to charge a fee for technical corrections in the situation of a discrepancy between the paper and the template and non-respect of formal requirements within the framework of the final review process. In this case, the author may be asked to pay a technical fee.