One of the main priorities is to prevent and avoid any unlawful and unethical practices. Plagiarism is not tolerated. The authors, already by sending their paper, confirm that this is their original article. These rules are binding for all parties participating in the publication of conference proceeding of ICEI 2020 stated in Honour and originality declaration (must be signed by all the authors).
Honour and originality declaration format: template can be downloaded here (format: ICEI 2020 Honour and originality declaration-template, 19 kB)
Duties of Editors
- responsibility for the content and overall technical quality of the conference proceedings,
- dealing with all the information regarding the submitted manuscripts as confidential,
- ensuring the anonymity of reviewers and authors in the context of the review process,
- preventing potential conflicts of interest of authors and reviewers.
Duties of Reviewers
- review report on time,
- confidentiality,
- standards of objectivity,
- avoid possible conflicts of interest.
Duties of Authors
- responsible for following the instructions for authors and formal requirements of the article,
- bear the responsibility that the paper sent to Conference Proceedings of ICEI 2020 was not simultaneously sent for publication in other conference proceedings/journals,
- responsible for ensuring that the article has not been published elsewhere,
- responsible for the proper citation of the materials used and the proper statement of all the data sources,
- responsible for placing the authorship of all the co-authors who participated in the preparation of the article and that all co-authors have seen the version of the paper submitted to the review process and agree with its content,
- required to immediately report any serious errors and inaccuracies contained in the article,
- obliged to report any conflict of interest.
Plagiarism Detection
The peer review process is at the heart of the success of scientific publishing. As part of our commitment to the protection and enhancement of the peer review process, the publisher must assist in all aspects of publishing ethics, especially in cases of (suspected) duplicate submission or plagiarism.