Systems Engineering and Informatics (SEI) postgraduate study program follows up several master’s study programs at VŠB – TU Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, especially Information and knowledge management. This study program is scheduled for 4 years and graduates are awarded the Ph.D. degree. The program can be studied in several mutations – full-time and part-time, in Czech and in English.
The study consists of the study part ended up by the final state exam and research part focused on dissertation thesis and its defence. The credit system is applied for evaluation of the study. This system is in line with the European ECTS system, allowing for exchange mobilities of students between universities in Europe.
The graduates of the SEI study program adopt skills, which allows to manage systems analysis of various problems and establish new methodologies based on modern methods, IT and systemic approach. The study program is interdisciplinary and connects economics with informatics. This synergy gives rise to a wide field of positions in both research and business.