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Successful applicants who obtain a GLOBAL POSTDOC FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM grant will be offered a position at Faculty of Economics, VSB-TUO to be hired as postdoctoral researchers to implement their proposed research projects, in conditions as explained below.

  • A maximum of 5 years after obtaining the Ph.D.
  • Incoming holders of a doctoral degree obtained abroad who do not have Czech citizenship, who are not residents of the Czech Republic or who have not spent more than 12 months in the Czech Republic in the last 36 months.
  • Holders of a Ph.D. (or equivalent degree), Czech citizens with long-term experience abroad. Long-term experience abroad can be defined as at least 12 continuous months out of the last 36 months in the form of doctoral studies abroad or in the form of employment at a foreign scientific institution, or a combination of both.
  • Quality and quantity of publications in WoS impact factor journals.
  • Participation in research grants.
  • The share of publications in which the applicant is listed as a corresponding author or as 1st, 2nd or 3rd co-author.
  • Content of the research project (in relation to the workplace, expected results, ...)
  • Professional experience.

To apply for the Global Postdoc Fellowship, please send the following documents in English to our project manager Ida Orzadalová:

  • List of publications in impact factor journals indexed in Web of Science.
  • The share of publications in which the applicant is listed as a corresponding author or as 1st, 2nd or 3rd co-author.
  • At least one recommendation letter from a foreign workplace (min. 1 page).
  • Structured Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivation letter (max. 2 pages).
  • Proposed research project (max. 5 pages).
  • Certificates of higher education and scientific degree (copy).

Working time

Full time


CZK 75 000 / 3000 EUR
per month

Additional lump sum expenses
up to 1650 EUR


Mentor will be assigned
based on research proposal

To apply, please send us the required documents. This is a two-round selection process.  In the first round, applicants will be selected on the basis of the materials submitted. All applicants will be notified of their results. Successful candidates from the first round will proceed to the second round where the final decision will be made.

Application Deadline

May 31, 2024


Aleš Melecký

Scientific contact
Associate professor and Vice-dean for science, research and doctoral studies

Ida Orzadalová

Administrative contact
Project Manager