Project Name: ESDGs project (Sustainable Development Goals in Education and in Action!)
Project Number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-CF0C8599
Grant Provider: Erasmus+
Coordinator: University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Partners: CZ, D, E, HR, PL, P, SF
Contact person FE VŠB-TUO: Štverková Hana Ing., Ph.D.,MBA,LL.M.
Duration: 1/2022-11/2024
The ESDGs project is focused on implementing the principles of permanently sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in teaching in the fields of creating new entrepreneurial solutions and business models (in connection with national development priorities and trends) or in terms of modifying the strategy in existing entrepreneurial solutions and business models.
Sustainable development is getting known in business and society, but how to ensure the future leaders and entrepreneurs know the concept earliest on possible?
ESDGs! project tries to help bring the sustainable development to university students and general public. What are its goals?
- To expand the teaching of entrepreneurship and management strategy, which implements the current issues in the form of SDGs goals.
- To use digital trends and modern tools of distance learning.
- To create and pilot a course for general public.
To reach those goals, several universities and tech companies across the Europe joined forces to ensure the results will be solid and globally applicable.
The primary target group that the courses are aimed at are university students, but also the general public, who will complete the online course based on the pilot phase on partner universities. Secondary target group is teachers and instructors who may use instruction materials prepared within the EDSGs! project.
Website of the project:
Interested in the project results?
Visit and go through the materials that we already created. Within the project, we have already finalized: