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Project Name: Young Entrepreneurial Teachers Initiative

Project Number: 2020-1-CZ01-KA203-078507

Grant Provider: EU

Coordinator: VŠB-TUO, Czech Republic

Partners: AT, BE, D, CZ, HU, NL, PL

Contact person FE VŠB-TUO: Hlaváček Karel Ing., Ph.D

Duration: 9/2020-8/2023 


I. Understand teacher education pathways of ITE partners

II.           Comprehend what ITE students understand of entrepreneurship education (EE)

III.         Raise awareness for the educational benefits of EE

IV.         Help teacher candidates to translate EE knowledge from simulative university contexts (ITE programme) into actual classroom environments

V.          Create digital one-stop hub for EE material (tools, activity ideas, lesson plans, etc.) to inspire entrepreneurial teaching interventions

VI.         Showcase YETI EE interventions to inspire other European ITE stakeholder

VII.        Increase entrepreneurial learning interventions at school through teachers that act as “catalyst for change” in the wider education system with regards to spreading the benefits of EE