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Project Name:  NEWPERS - Nové výhledy Euroregionu na základě rozvoje přeshraniční akademické spolupráce (NEWPERS - New perspectives for the Euroregion based on the development of cross-border academic cooperation)

Project Number: IN100121

Grant Provider: Interreg CZ/PL

Coordinator: Akademia WSB, Dąbrowa Górnicza

Partners: VSB-TUO

Contact person FE VŠB-TUO: Hana Stverkova

Duration: 1/2021 - 12/2022


In the era of lockdowns caused by COVID-19 pandemic the need for revision of already existing research methods supporting the development of borderland of the Beskydy Euroregion and restoration of relations between scientific entities in PL and CZ permanently damaged by the pandemic arose. The project is aimed at further strengthening cross-border cooperation aimed at identification of challenges and policies towards the development processes of the Euroregion in the post-pandemic world; it will be implemented in partnership with the VŠB-TUO.