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Currently, the Faculty of Economics is involved in these international projects.

Project duration Project title and web links Contact Grant
8/2019- 7/2022 Mobility Erasmus+ with Partner country (KA 171) Lenka Heczkova  Erasmus+/KA171
2/2020-12/2022 Freemover Lenka Heczkova CEEPUS
9/2020-12/2022 REDENE Regional Development Network Lenka Heczkova  CEEPUS
9/2020-12/2022 Sustainability and Health Economics Hana Stverkova CEEPUS
11/2020-4/2023 Network for Interinstitutional Cooperation Ales Lokaj Erasmus+/KA2
9/2020-8/2023 Young Entrepreneurial Teachers Initiative Karel Hlavacek Erasmus+/KA2
3/2021-2/2023 Digital Area for Networking Teachers and Educators Karel Hlavacek Erasmus+/KA2
10/2021- 7/2023 Scale Up Academy Hana Stverkova InnoEnergy, EU
11/2021- 11/2024 DO IT Project (Developing Online International Teamwork) Lenka Heczkova  Erasmus+/KA2
1/2022- 11/2024 ESDGs Project (Sustainable Development Goals  in Education and in Action!)  Hana Stverkova Erasmus+/KA2
1/2021-12/2022 NEWPERS - New perspectives for the Euroregion based on the development of cross-border academic cooperation Hana Stverkova Interreg CZ/PL