Faculty of Economics, VSB - Technical University Ostrava organizes 11. 11. 2024 international scientific conference „Development and Administration of Border Areas of the Czech Republic and Poland - Support for Sustainable Development“.
Aim of the conference is to open space for scientific discussion on the current and future issues of development of Czech-Polish border areas.
Conference Topics:
Public Economics and Public Administration
Business Economics and Management
Sustainable Development
The conference languages are Czech, English, Polish and Slovak.
The conference is organized within the framework of the sustainability of the project No. CZ.11.3.119/0.0/0.0/16_013/0003093 „Zvýšení znalostí a dovedností vysokoškolských studentů v oblasti implementace veřejných politik v České republice a Polsku a zlepšení jejich uplatnitelnosti na trhu práce“ (Increasing the knowledge and skills of university students in the field of implementation of public policies in the Czech Republic and Poland and improving their applicability in the labor market) and the project No. CZ.11.3.119/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001981 „Rozvoj kompetencí a zlepšení uplatnitelnosti vysokoškolských studentů na trhu práce v oblasti služeb veřejného sektoru“ (Development of competences and improvement of employability of university students in the field of public sector services) of the Interreg V-A Program Czech Republic-Poland.