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The main objective/idea of the DO IT project is the support of HEI education through a project supporting international teamwork, online learning and intercultural collaboration and DC among teachers, academic staff and university students and establishing a cooperative network among educational institutions. Outputs will be aimed to these objectives and will help us to increase the quality of teaching and attractiveness of study.

The key area is to support the skills and competences mentioned above and this is where the partners of the project (universities from 4 different countries) aim their activities.

Although the universities are ready to provide high-quality education to their students, thanks to the situation we all are facing now with the coronavirus pandemic, the education strategies, approaches and methodologies had to be adjusted to this situation. It is necessary to provide university teachers with the necessary competences, knowledge and skills needed to combine the face-to-face and online education.

It is the objective of DO IT to empower teachers and HEIs on how to use digital tools that are available, how to be prepared to combine physical and online teaching especially in teamwork, how to adjust their lectures in online or blended programmes, etc.

The DO IT project (nr. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000027558) is Co-founded by the Euroupean Union.


The main objectives of the project are:

DO IT is a project created to support of HEI education through a project supporting digital, intercultural and teamworking competences among teachers, academic staff, HEI education providers and university students and establishing a cooperative network among educational institutions. Outputs will be aimed to these objectives and will help us to increase the quality of teaching and attractiveness of study.

These objectives will be achieved through the development of a set of guidelines for digital education that will:



Raise awareness for the importance of digital education and international collaboration at HEIs.



Facilitate and catalyse the integration of international teamwork learning experiences
into HEIs programmes.



Provide guidelines complemented with short instruction videos to inspire and support teachers in teaching.



Iplement innovations in communication among teachers and students from different cultural backgrounds.
